Technical standards for telecommunication equipment
NTC. TS. 3001 – 2012
Electrical Safety Technical Standards
1. Scope
This technical standard specifies the minimum technical characteristics of Electromagnetic Compatibility: EMC of telecommunication equipment and some devices by requiring it to comply with industrial product standards. Information Technology Equipment : Radio Interference Limits Standard No. TIS. 1956 – 2010 or other standards that are not lower than mentioned standards.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Technical Standards According to the industrial product standard No. TIS. 1956 – 2010 have established Radio Disturbance Limits for the 9 kilohertz to 400 GHz frequency range by measuring the level of spurious signals formed by Information Technology Equipment (ITE), which includes Telecommunication Terminal Equipment that is designed and intended to be connected to the telecommunication network. This is the part that users can install themselves according to the scope and definitions set out in the above-mentioned industrial standard.
This standard is not applicable to radiocommunication equipment according to the radiocommunication law.
2. List of telecommunication equipment and equipment which must show compliance with the standard
- Telephone set
- Facsimile equipment
- Key telephone system
- Modem
- Data terminal equipment
- xDSL equipment
3. Demonstration of conformity with technical standards
Telecommunication equipment and equipment listed above compliance with this standard shall be demonstrated using the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) as set forth in the National Telecommunications Commission Notification Re: Inspection and certification of telecommunication equipment and equipment announced on December 27, 2007